“The best and most valuable information I have ever read. Mark Hamilton is worthy of a Nobel prize at least.”
J.Q., co.uk, United Kingdom
“It is an eye opener and the most valuable data I have ever seen.”
J.Q., co.uk, United Kingdom
“Thanks for what I estimate to be the world’s most intelligent web site. There’s could be no more important and valuable site on the web. Thanks for assisting me in changing the world…NT forever.”
J.C., uu.net
“Very well created. Keep up the good work!”
V.C., edu.au, Uganda
“I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve. I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and would like to see more regular updates on your site. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in Europe in your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution.”
C.W., gf-net.com, Monaco
“Giving hope to life, and living life to our fullest potential. This is what I think describes Neothink best. For there is no LIFE without hope, just mere existence.”
S.P., jaring.my, Malaysia
“I have been reading and gradually integrating with Neothink concepts since May 1993. Neothink was THE pivotal point in my life. No longer could I look to some undefined, even unknowable heaven as my sole point of light to focus on in the vast darkness; now, I know fully that a.) my life is MY responsibility alone, b.) only I can decide to enter and prosper from or avoid and be out competed by the Neothink World, and c.) the Neothink World is worth holding out for. My thanks to all Neothink employees who unswervingly seek to bring Neothink literature to the whole of the human race, but most especially to Mark Hamilton for originating the basic Neothink ideas and making them accessible to all who seek such knowledge. I am currently working on what I consider to be a Neothink album and look forward to the time when I will be able to work side by side with all of you in the battle to end mysticism and bring about the a huge change on this planet.”
K.P., aol.com, United States of America