E.J., kdsi.net, U.S.A.

“Nothing more drives the point home on the validity of Neothink (fully-integrated honesty) than integrating the ‘negative comments’ into the Neothink philosophy, to see them for what they really are.”


P.B., thepla.net, Australia

“I find it both enjoyable and interesting. I think that this site should be left open and tell all the cheaters to make one more decision to get out in the real world, where the real power is!!”


G.C., dialsprint.net

“Most fascinating site I have ever read.”


V.J., thegrid.net

“I like your new flashing text article. Keep up the good work.  I am behind you all the way.”


D.V., aol.com

“I found this subject not only informative, but very possible to accomplish.”

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